This postcard features the Grand Sonnerie skeleton clock currently on display in our Clocks of the World exhibit. Share your experience at the Halim Time & Glass Museum by sending one of our original postcards!
This technically sophisticated skeleton clock features hour and half-hour striking on three unusual glass bells. The enamel dial is signed C. Detouche A Paris, with a subsidiary seconds dial. Regulator features include the gridiron pendulum and temperature-compensation visible through the bob and fine beat adjustment. Detouche was an ingenious maker during the Restoration period, with Napoleon notably making him the Furnisher to the Emperor. Detouche took an early interest in electrical horology and patented an electro-magnetic clock in 1851.
Grand Sonnerie Skeleton Table Regulator, Constantin Louis Detouche, France (c. 1865)
Halim Time & Glass Museum original.